Printed or Digital- the results are in!

Posted on 15th November 2016

The results have been counted and its official, we can reveal people are almost equally split on what they would prefer.

Over 200 of you voted on our online survey.  If forced to choose just one option, 55% of you would prefer to hold a hard copy rather than view it online.

Over half of respondents said that our catalogue is an essential part of your sales process and that you use it daily, which is great news.

We have taken all of your comments on board and will be providing both printed and digital catalogues to all of our customers in the new year.

This has been a great way to of finding out what your needs and preferences are, and we want to thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.


If there is any feedback you have for Crystal Galleries please drop us an email and let us know, we love to hear how we can improve our services and help you when you need it.

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