Take advantage of our winter price freeze
We are currently working on our new 2017/2018 catalogue featuring over 100 new Gifts & Awards which we hope to have on your desks before we break up for Christmas.
Although we haven’t confirmed our prices for next year we would like to make you aware that unfortunately we anticipate many of the prices will increase by 10% to 15% due to the weakened value of the Pound against the Dollar and Euro following the Brexit referendum.
If you are aware of any orders that your customers may require in the first Quarter of 2017 you might like to take advantage of the pre-increased prices and place an order with us before we break up for Christmas on the 20th December and we will hold the stock for you to call off.
The goods will be invoiced at the pre-increased prices when you place the order.
Due to our ever increasing stock holding, currently £1.25M, we are slightly restricted for space even with our 33,000 sq ft warehouse so we can only hold this stock until the 31st March 2017
The offer only applies to products that are available from stock up until the 20th December 2016
You can check our current stock holding for all of the products that are in our current catalogue on our website www.crystalgalleries.co.uk
Please contact our Customer Service team if you would like any additional information regarding the call off stock or forthcoming catalogue.