Winter Is Coming
6th October, 2016
Take advantage of our winter price freeze We are currently working on our new 2017/2018 catalogue featuring over 100 new Gifts & Awards which we hope to have on your desks before we break up for Christmas. Although we haven’t confirmed our prices for next year we would like to make you aware that unfortunately […]

Acrystalic Bespoke Awards – What Are They?
6th October, 2016
AcrystalicTM is the new range of bespoke awards from Crystal Galleries that opens up a world of opportunities for you and your customers. Many organisations long to have a bespoke award that really represents their business and will be unique to them. Until now the options have been either create a glass award, which can […]

5 Ingenious Ways of Using Awards to Boost Staff Morale
6th October, 2016
The benefits of great staff morale are well known; increased productivity, fewer sick days and decreased staff turnover to name a few. Giving awards to recognise staff achievement is a tactic employed by many companies, both large and small. But these awards tend to be restricted to the sales teams for when they hit targets […]